Focusing on What Matters Most

We dig deep into the stuff that matters. Our work begins and ends with what's best for you, your unique situation, and your family.

Questioning the Status Quo

Beyond the therapy we provide, we are deeply interested in social change. We are always ready to bust incorrect myths about people, treatment, and adjusting our practices when needed to ensure that individuals are valued.

Valuing Relationships

We value making meaningful connections at every age, stage, and ability. Because of our focus on relationships, we are refreshingly honest and real.

Always Learning & Growing

Growth and change are available to all of us. We are life-long learners. We learn from research, continued education, reading, and most important-you.

Family Guidance

Live Purposefully. Love Fully. Grow with Us.

We are a group of caring professionals who believe treatment should be a collaboration that includes your values, the latest research and our expertise. We are committed to helping you and your family members make lasting change in your lives.

Sometimes we all need a little help. The Family Guidance & Therapy Center is a place where loving-kindness reigns; where labels and diagnoses are simply bits of information on your journey towards greater health and happiness. Our clinicians create treatment plans with your values and our expertise. We are working hard to make a difference in the lives of our clients and the way the world sees mental health treatment.

Jenny Palmiotto, Founder and Clinical Director of Family Guidance & Therapy Center, Psy.D., LMFT

Do Autistic Individuals Have Emotional Intelligence?

Developing EQ can give you a greater chance of thriving in both your personal and professional lives. It is a commonly held myth that those on the autism spectrum can not develop this vital life skill.

What is EQ, and How Can We Develop It As Adults?

We all define “success” differently, but for most of us, success means finding meaning in our relationships, career, and other aspects of our lives. Learning and developing Emotional Intelligence (EQ) makes that all possible.

How to Manage Meltdowns and Other Behavioral Problems with Compassion

You will eventually learn most of your child’s triggers and may be able to avoid a meltdown. If you can help your child to calm or redirect, or if possible, simply avoid their triggers altogether, you can minimize meltdowns.

Throwing Aside Self-Care in Favor of Self-Love

Self care is a buzzword but if our basic human needs aren’t met, we can’t even think about self-care. What we need is to learn to love ourselves.

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